Himalayan 'Woolly' Wolf Is In Danger Of Becoming Extinct

By R. Siva Kumar - 27 Apr '16 08:42AM

The Himalayan wolf has probably the most ancient wolf lineage, but it is under critical threat. Researchers are pointing out areas where it can be found, and how it can be helped.

Also called the "woolly wolf" due to its body fur, this wolf is way smaller than the European wolf. Its "unusually long muzzle, stumpy legs and distinct white color around its throat, chest, belly and inner parts of the limbs" make it stand out.

However, the woolly wolf is endangered. Some formal and informal interviews with 400 local herders, livestock owners, nomads and village elite gave some insight into the human-wolf conflict in Nepal. Experts found that the wolves were seen as a threat to locals, and were often killed to eliminate the risk of livestock hunting.

"These genetically distinct Himalayan wolves deserve special conservation attention, at the same time the conservation of this species in a context of human-wildlife conflict is a challenge," write the scientists involved in the new study. "A species action plan needs to be formulated that develops mechanisms to minimize conflict, and strategies for motivating local communities towards wolf conservation."

Right now, the woolly wolf is a vital part of the Critically Endangered species on the National Red List, and might become extinct if some protective measures are not taken. In order to protect the wolves, farmers and herders need to contribute in a major way to conservation efforts.

The findings are published in the April edition of the journal ZooKeys.

TAGSlineage, muzzle, stumpy, Endangered, nomads, conservation, herders
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