‘Suicide Squad' Movie News and Rumors: Margot Robbie Reveals that Harley Quinn is Codependent on Joker

By Kanika Gupta - 24 Apr '16 16:28PM

Suicide Squad, a Warner Bros. release, is an upcoming film about the supervillain team-up. But the fans are looking to see portrayal of Joker by Jared Leto. Since Heath Leger left the bar pretty high, it is going to be difficult to match up to the standard of Joker from "The Dark Knight" which was not only his iconic but also an Oscar winning performance.

When asked about his character, The Joker, Leto revealed that it was a conscious decision between him and the team to give him a "new direction" with with the character. "We walked in a completely new direction. I think we knew that we had to do that," Leto told Superhero Hype. "It was important to do that. When the Joker has been done and done so well, it gives you a bit of an indication of where you shouldn't go. There's a bit of a map there. That's the good part about it."

Joker is a pop culture figure for decades and it was "quite an honor" to play his beloved and iconic character, added Leto. "I'm just the latest in the long list of people who have redefined and reinvented this character. The actors, the voice actors, the television series, the writers, the artists and the fans. People have taken the Joker and reinvented and redefined for 75 years. It is really special to be asked to do that," he said.

The idea behind "Suicide Squad" was to take Joker in an all new direction and have his girlfriend and henchwoman, Harley Quinn, by his side. Margot Robbie, playing the role of Quinn, also explained her research process for adding depth to the character.

"I did a lot of research on mental illness and co-dependency," the "Wolf of Wall Street" actress said of her approach to playing The Joker's sidekick. "I was trying to access a way in to understanding why she's so in love with the Joker. I kind of decided that she's co-dependent on him. Now that I've done the research, I realize that that's more of an addiction than an illness."

Suicide Squad opens in theatres on Aug. 5, 2016.

TAGSSuicide Squad, DC Comics
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