Changing the Face of Medicine with Revolutionary ‘E-Skin’

By Kanika Gupta - 20 Apr '16 17:26PM

Super thin "e-skin" is a creation of Japanese scientists. This skin is far thinner than your actual skin and contains an electronic display. According to the University of Tokyo, this skin can be integrated into a person's actual skin and they will not even notice as it silently works in the background.

The electronic components will monitor your health, concealed on your outer skin while monitoring your vital organs and blood at all times. It can provide accurate medical data about your health, 24x7. However, the good thing is, it can also be used in industrial applications.

This 3-microns thick skin contain polymer light-emitting diodes (PLEDs) that display colors green, red and blue. They also contain photo detectors to measure light and offer other electronic functions.

"The advent of mobile phones has changed the way we communicate. While these communication tools are getting smaller and smaller, they are still discrete devices that we have to carry with us," Professor Takao Someya said in the statement. "What would the world be like if we had displays that could adhere to our bodies and even show our emotions or level of stress or unease? In addition to not having to carry a device with us at all times, they might enhance the way we interact with those around us or add a whole new dimension to how we communicate."

The statement adds: "Integrating electronic devices with the human body to enhance or restore body function for biomedical applications is the goal of researchers around the world. In particular, wearable electronics need to be thin and flexible to minimize impact where they attach to the body. However, most devices developed so far have required millimeter-scale thickness glass or plastic substrates with limited flexibility, while micrometer-scale thin flexible organic devices have not been stable enough to survive in air."

TAGSe-skin, University of tokyo, health monitor
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