iOS May Soon Allow Users to Hide Unused Apple Apps

By Kanika Gupta - 09 Apr '16 13:58PM

A welcome relief would be when you don't have to look at Stocks app everyday even when you know that you are never going to use it. A new code unearthed in iTunes metadata suggests that it is only a matter of time when iOS users will be able to hide native apps from their iPhones.

Even though this ability will be usable on all the apps on the App Store, but most importantly, it could affect Apple's in-house apps that have been there from the phone's inception. Some apps such as Stocks, Tips and Compass cannot be deleted so what iOS users do is store them in a folder where they stash all the other unused apps.

However, there is also a chance that this ability may not be usable on some of the native apps. Tim Cook revealed that if these apps are removed, it may also impact working of other ones. But there are some that can be hidden without impacting other apps. Cook added Apple wants its users to be happy, so giving them an option to get rid of the apps that are of no use to them is in the pipeline.

"This is a more complex issue than it first appears," Cook said. "There are some apps that are linked to something else on the iPhone. If they were to be removed they might cause issues elsewhere on the phone. There are other apps that aren't like that. So over time, I think with the ones that aren't like that, we'll figure out a way [for you to remove them]. ... It's not that we want to suck up your real estate; we're not motivated to do that. We want you to be happy. So I recognize that some people want to do this, and it's something we're looking at."

TAGSiOS 9, apps, App Store
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