House of Cards Season 5 Release Date, Spoilers Updates: Is Frank Underwood's Presidential Bids Going To Win Or Lose?

By Jenn Loro - 06 Apr '16 10:59AM

Netflix politics-laden original series 'House of Cards' season five is bound to feature a slew of political hurdles that would test the mettle of Frank Underwood presidency or undermine his political fortunes altogether. As he prepares his political machinery to hold on to White House for another four years, plotters and schemers never run of fuel to get his re-election hopes destroyed.

According to a latest roundup from Christian Today, Joel Kinnaman's Will Conway character has put in a Machiavellian strategy to bring Underwood's political career to a grinding halt. The hit political drama series would allegedly feature a plot to upset the political landscape leaving the President extremely incapacitated and tarnishing his legacy once he leaves the office.

If the prediction proves accurate, then it is safe to suggest that Conway is a savvy political figure to deal with. No reports have so far emerged as to how he would carry out the political sabotage against the sitting American head of state. But Underwood's appetite for political scheming should also never be underestimated. After all, he wouldn't have captured America's highly coveted position if not for his equally menacing skills of vanquishing his enemies.

Meanwhile, The BitBag suggests that if Conway fails to shoot down the Underwood's presidential bid, a character particularly close to the President is rumored to take him down- Claire, the First Lady herself.

Initially, Mrs. Frank Underwood only gunning for a senate position but she somehow re-aimed her desire to get a shot at Vice-presidency. Like her husband, Claire has been accustomed to the murky world of politics. If she does succeed with the plan, she might even attempt to nab the presidency.

In a related roundup from the Wall Street Journal, one particular exercise machine is gaining quite a lot of attention among fans and viewers. Each time new episodes arrive, a 'rowing machine' makes frequent appearances showing the Underwoods burning off their frustrations after a series of political exploits. The report also reveals that with each new episode, internet searches for the obscure equipment also spike up around the same time.

TAGSHouse of Cards, Season 5, Release Date, spoilers, Frank Underwood, Presidential Bid
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