Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt and Tom Hanks Fall Prey to Sony Hackers, Employees Receive Threat Letters

By Peter R - 09 Dec '14 10:39AM

After Sylvester Stallone's social security details were posted online last week, Sony hackers have now targeted Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks.

According to The Telegraph, the group Guardians of Peace, which hacked Sony Pictures in the last week of November, leaked phone numbers of the popular trio in a bid to shake the organization. While teams of investigators including experts hired by Sony, and federal agencies are examining the malware that was used in the attack, security experts elsewhere are analysing data that was leaked online.

In addition to phone numbers, hackers also leaked aliases actors Daniel Craig, Natalie Portman, Tobey Maguire and Sarah Michelle Gellar use when travelling incognito.

Reuters reported on Tuesday that the hack was aimed at pressurizing Sony to recall release of the film Interview, a comedy starring James Franco and Seth Rogen. The movie which features assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, has not gone down well with Pyongyang which had called it 'undisguised terrorism' and 'act of war'.

According to First Post, a message posted online by the group demanded that Sony cancel release of the move, which could lead to a war.

"We have already given our clear demand to the management team of SONY, however, they have refused to accept. It seems that you think everything will be well, if you find out the attacker, while no reacting to our demand. We are sending you our warning again. Do carry out our demand if you want to escape us. And, Stop immediately showing the movie of terrorism which can break the regional peace and cause the War! You, SONY & FBI, cannot find us. We are perfect as much. The destiny of SONY is totally up to the wise reaction & measure of SONY," the message which was accompanied by confidential details company's top executives.

In related news, a threatening letter sent to Sony employees reads, "Removing Sony Pictures on earth is a very tiny work for our group which is a worldwide organization," according to CBS News. 

TAGSInterview, Sony Pictures, sony, Hack, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks
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