FBI to assist local police in Unlocking Local iPhones

By Ajay Kadkol - 03 Apr '16 16:25PM

FBI Pledges to assist local police in Unlocking Local iPhones 

After successfully unlocking the San Bernardino shooter's iPhone, the FBI are now fully pledging to assist local police in helping those facing similar problems. In a letter to local police departments, the FBI offered their assistance in hacking the Apple phones in cases where they could provide evidence.

Apple however have requested the FBI to come out with an answer about they were able to successful bypass the security in their phones. "We know that the absence of lawful, critical investigative tools due to the 'Going Dark' problem is a substantial state and local law enforcement challenge that you face daily. As has been our longstanding policy, the FBI will of course consider any tool that might be helpful to our partners. Please know that we will continue to do everything we can to help you consistent with our legal and policy constraints. You have our commitment that we will maintain an open dialogue with you. We are in this together." Apple's letter read.

Earlier this week, the Department of Justice dropped its attempts to legally compel Apple to assist in unlocking the now-infamous San Bernardino iPhone, avoiding a tug-of-war between the technology giant and the federal government. Federal investigators were successfully able to access the phone's contents with the "assistance of a third party." The Justice Department declined to name the parties involved and has not given details about the decryption technique. The local law enforcements are already in requesting FBI's assistance. This is the exact problem Apple feared would compromise the security of all their customers' iPhones. And this is also one of the reasons about Apple reluctant in creating a backdoor for their iPhones.

However now that FBI doesn't really care about Apple anymore to compel them to help the Bureau with encryption problems since a major third party rumored to be based in Israel now assuring the FBI with problems like these solved without Apple's assistance

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