'Vikings' Season 4 News Update And Spoilers: Threat to Throne of Mercia and Impending Attack by Ragnar

By Dipannita - 31 Mar '16 16:59PM

Season 4 of History Channel's show 'Vikings' is reported to be filled with unexpected turns and events of great magnitude.

The most important event that is expected to unfold is the attempt made by King Ecbert to usurp the throne of Mercia as per sources. The character played by Linus Roache will allegedly resort to violence in order to lay claim on the royal throne.

In the previous episodes, King Ecbert was seen persuading Aethelwulf and Alfred to visit a sacred pilgrimage centre in Rome. The pilgrimage to Rome would take months to finish, thereby giving King Ecbert enough time to claim the throne. Meanwhile, Ragnar Lothbok and his son Bjorn are seen to continue their attack on Paris, despite the losses caused by a recent storm. Rollo awaits them in Paris knowing that an attack is imminent. The trailer of the new Season seemed to imply that though the number of troops is large, a spirit of disillusionment is seen to prevail among the men as the impending fight looms ahead. Bjorn echoes this sentiment as he complains that the waiting has lasted for three days. An assortment of scenes that follow this announcement shows a violent raid taking place while a background voice comment that most of life lasts among the space between life and death. The medley of scenes is considered by many to depict Ragnar's battle on Paris. The trailer ends with a cryptic warning given to Bjorn that death is not far away.

The two other important characters poised to go on battle are Queen Aslaug and the enigmatic stranger Harbard. The Queen appears highly suspicious of the effect of his arrival on the women of the village and the stranger's arrogant tone and bearing in front of her. She is also reported to have slapped Harbard when he aims a derogatory remark towards her.

Episode seven, titled, 'The Profit and the Loss' will be aired on Thursday, March 31. With three major battles poised to begin, Season four is reported to be quite an eventful part of the series.

TAGSVikings, History Channel, King Ecbert, throne, attack, The Profit and the Loss
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