'Legend of Zelda Wii U' Release Date: Game Producers Confirm Its Final Stage Of Development

By Jenn Loro - 31 Mar '16 14:13PM

Gaming enthusiasts are bracing in for more fun and exciting adventures as the creator of the famed 'Legend of Zelda' recently confirmed its final stage of development.

Earlier reports revealed that the Wii U game is slated for a worldwide launching but follow-up details remain dire regarding the status of its development including a confirmed release schedule until a Nintendo exec blurted out some roundup info on the game.

As reported by Christian Times, producer Eiji Aonuma recently published a video statement concerning the release date of the much anticipated game saying that ongoing new developments and other issues to overcome will delay the release date a bit further than expected.

With no reference to the game's exact release date, Aonuma added that he is currently working on the in-game text suggesting that game development is currently progressing well despite previous setbacks amid repeated delays according to Master Herald.

"I feel strongly that our focus should be to bring all these ideas to life in a way that will make The Legend of Zelda on Wii U the best game it can possibly be...But, the game has really taken shape, and things have gotten easier. That means things are progressing well," remarked Aonuma as quoted by Yibada.

The newest Zelda for Wii platform is the nineteenth main installment in the iconic 'The Legend of Zelda' series. Despite the long wait, Aonuma confidently promised that the great game is worth all the patience.

Earlier reports suggested that the scheduled release of the game is around 2017, Nintendo asserted that the game is designed to ignite greater interest among avid users with better gaming environment them. However, Nintendo Reggie Fils-Aime CEO reiterated that the game is expected for full launching this year alone.

The revival of 'The Legend of Zelda' on Wii platform is continuously generating a lot of hype since Nintendo publicly announced its return during the Electronic Entertainment Expo in 2013.

TAGSLegend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda, Wii U, game, producer, Nintendo
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