Game of Thrones Season 6 Spoilers: Next Season to Pass Up ‘Winds of Winter’

By Kanika Gupta - 22 Mar '16 13:17PM

The biggest mystery that shrouds the show as well as the books is the fate of the show's central character, Jon Snow. Is he dead? Will there be no Jon Snow anymore? How will he come back to life? Luckily for us, we don't have to wait for another book to find out.

Bran was missing from Season 5 entirely after his final scene in the season 4 finale. While in the book he is able to see visions of past, present and perhaps future too, even though not much has come of it yet. But that is sure to change in GOT season 6, at least that's what the trailers want us to believe. Bran's visions are instrumental because they will answer some serious questions about some lingering mysteries of the show.

Cersei's fate has been hanging in the balance since her shaming in the last season. Much of her spirit has already been broken by the high septon but what lefts to be seen is, whether or not will the Faith take her life as well, a question left in the hands of trial of combat. Expect to Gregor Clegane fight an unknown champion of Faith, who in all probability will be The Hound, a man who is anything but dead.

Despite all the action around the central characters, the big question still remains around Jon Snow and his. It is not anymore about whether he'll live or will be resurrected by Melissandre, a popular theory by fans online, but it is about who his actual parents are. One of Bran's vision takes the viewers to the Tower of Joy, place where Lyanna Stark died. This is also probably the place where son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, aka Jon Snow, were born. This is the oldest theory from the book and the way the show is progressing, it looks well-attested too.

TAGSGame of Thrones spoilers, Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, cersei lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Stannis Baratheon, A Song of Ice and Fire, Winds of Winter
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