Amazon Kindle Update News: Amazon Urged Users To Update Their Kindle Before March 22

By Jenn Loro - 22 Mar '16 06:55AM

Amazon reminds owners of pre-2013 Kindle e-readers to get a firmware update on their device before March 22. Not heeding to the said reminder could result in dire consequences such as not being able to download e-books from either cloud or Kindle store. Furthermore, not doing so may render the e-reading device unable to go online.

If users do lose access by failing to update until Tuesday, they'll be forced to manually add the update with the aid of desktop pc and do some mess with USB leads.

So instead of doing a lot more work for not installing the needed update, promptly doing it is far easier than getting locked out from Amazon and other Kindle-related services.

"The update will ensure their device is operating with the latest software, and that it remains compliant with continuously evolving industry standard," said Amazon spokesperson Kinley Pearsall as quoted by Fox News.

As reported by PC Advisor, the table below shows the appropriate software update needed for each Kindle e-reader.

Device                                                               Software Needed                     Update

Kindle 1st-gen                                                       1.2.1                                Use 2G/3G

Kindle 2nd-gen (2009)                                          2.5.8                                 Use 2G/3G

Kindle DX 2nd-gen (2009)                                    2.5.8                                 Use 2G/3G

Kindle Keyboard 3rd-gen (2010)                          3.4.2 or higher                  Use Wi-Fi

Kindle 4th-gen (2011)                                           4.1.3 or higher                  Use Wi-Fi

Kindle 5th-gen (2012)                                           4.1.3 or higher                  Use Wi-Fi

Kindle Touch 4th-gen (2011)                       or higher               Use Wi-Fi

Kindle Paperwhite 5th-gen (2012)               or higher               Use Wi-Fi

Just in case users miss out on this important update for whatever reasons, they'll receive an error message instructing them on how to manually update new firmware.

"Your Kindle is unable to connect at this time. Please make sure you are within wireless range and try again. If the problem persists, please restart your Kindle from the Menu in Settings and try again," the error message reads as stated in an ABC News report.

TAGSamazon, users, Kindle, firmware, e-book, Cloud, error message, Amazon Kindle
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