Aspirin Regimen Harms Young Women under 65

By Peter R - 05 Dec '14 17:53PM

Flying in the face of convention, a new study claims daily intake of aspirin may do more harm than good for most people, more specifically middle-aged women.

According to the study published in the journal Heart, women aged 65 and above stand to gain from the benefits of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, through lowered risk of stroke, heart attacks and certain cancers. In younger women greater risk of gastrointestinal bleeding outweighs any benefits, the study found.  

"Concurrent evaluation of the absolute effects on cancer, CVD and major gastrointestinal bleeding showed that alternate-day use of low-dose aspirin is ineffective or harmful in the majority of women in primary prevention. Selective treatment of women ≥65 years with aspirin may improve net benefit," researchers concluded.

According to Fox News, 28,000 women aged 45 and above participated in the study which spanned 17 years. These women were asked to take 100 milligrams aspirin and placebo every other day. During the study, researchers found that 65 was the age tipping point where benefits began to outweigh risks.

Daily Mail reported occurrences of 168 cases of bowel cancer, 604 cardiovascular and 1,832 cases of other cancers in addition to 302 incidents of gastrointestinal bleeding requiring hospitalization, during the study period.  

Researchers concluded that evidence in favour of aspirin was lacking to show daily intake could lower incidence of heart disease and cancer. Thus, a blanket recommendation to take aspirin cannot be justified, though studies in the past have shown aspirin can indeed cut down risks. Medical associations across the globe only recommend the drug in high risk groups with blood clotting disorders. 

TAGSAspirin, Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, stroke, bleeding
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