Pope Francis approves Mother Teresa’s elevation to Sainthood

By Lord Justin Castillo - 15 Mar '16 20:14PM

Vatican City, Holy See - Pope Francis on Tuesday formally announced the approval of Mother Teresa's elevation to sainthood and will take part on the 4th of September as the date of her canonization.

The move comes 19 years after the death of the missionary nun who dedicated most of her adult life to working with the poor of Kolkata, India.

The said announcement was already expected after Pope Francis in December affirmed a second miracle attributed to Mother Teresa's intercession - the final step for her to make her a saint.

The canonization will take place on the eve of her death anniversary and Vatican observers expect it to be held in Rome as part of the Church's Jubilee Year of Mercy.

Mother Teresa, who was 87 when she died, was revered by many Catholics around the world and won the 1979 Nobel peace prize for her work with the poor.

However, she also received a disrupting figure from critics considering her as a "religious imperialist" whose opposition to birth control and abortion ran contrary to the interests of the communities she claimed to serve.

Despite the opposing letter revealing that she suffered a crisis of faith, Teresa overcomes hurdles to be canonized in a quick time, with her gained status as a modern-day icon of Catholicism.

Mother Teresa took the first step to sainthood - vulnerable, in 2003 when she was beatified by Pope John Paul II following the recognition of a claim she had inspired the 1998 healing of a critically-ill Bengali tribal woman.

In a short time, Mother Teresa engagingly garnered the said Church's standard requirements of having been involved in two certifiable miracles to sainthood for being credited last year by Vatican experts with inspiring the 2008 recovery of a Brazilian man suffering from multiple brain tumors.

TAGSMother Teresa, Pope Francis, saint, Catholic Church
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