Anna Duggar News: Reality TV Actress Reported Josh Duggar Reverted To His Old Ways

By Jenn Loro - 15 Mar '16 10:48AM

Since his release from the faith-based rehab on March 10, Josh Duggar has been the center of media attention again with sources if the program inside the center has completely altered his negative behavior.

But then, a source said that Josh and Anna Duggar's relationship is still not in its ideal state and they are still 'in trouble.' Sources even said that the future is uncertain for them with the possibility of Anna breaking free from her erring husband.

"Things are very sensitive between Josh and his wife Anna. She also is doing her best to forgive him but she is getting pressure from friends to divorce Josh. The relationship is in trouble now that he is back."

In 2015, Josh was found out to have been involved in a molestation scandal revealing that he used to molest some of his sisters in the family. This is followed by more shocking revelations such as his engagement in the cheating site Ashley Madison site, his pornography and sex addiction.

Despite these events, Anna wants to work out their relationship and start all over again.

"They are doing lots of prayer together and trying to make it work for the kids but their future is still uncertain," the source added.

Since TLC's cancellation of 19 Kids and Counting, the Duggars were having a hard time keeping up with their finances with just a few projects coming in. There are rumors, though, that the big clan is using Anna and Josh's molestation scandal to reap more public sympathy. They also want to use Anna's influence and use her as 'breadwinner' for the big clan.

"Someone in the family has to be the bread winner. Anna knows a TV reality show is quick money for a gal with no skills...Thank goodness. But, Anna shouldn't appear either. I mean...he'll benefit from any monies she makes by appearing on the show. And he shouldn't benefit from any of that...any more!"

In a recent interview, Jessa (Duggar) Seewald husband and Ben Seewald talked about how Josh molestation scandal affected them.

"In the midst of what we were walking through, there definitely have to be periods where you're like, 'I don't want cameras around. But as we were talking together as siblings, we're like, 'You know what? If we can encourage even one other person out there who's struggling, then that needs to be our goal.' We've had a lot of healing in our family these past few months and we're ready to move forward and share our lives," Jessa Seewald admitted.

TAGSJosh Duggar, Anna Duggar, Josh Duggar Scandal, Josh Duggar molestation, 19 Kids and Counting, TLC, rehab
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