‘Islamic Rape Of Europe' In Polish Magazine Triggers Outrage

By Jenn Loro - 20 Feb '16 14:58PM

The Polish magazine "W Sieci" is current under fire for fueling a hate-based controversy after publishing its latest release with a cover picture featuring a white woman clothed in EU flag while being dragged by three dark-skinned hands with a bold sensational headline that reads: "The Islamic Rape of Europe".

The controversial magazine cover triggered a surge of fiery comments from the left and the right with many social media users comparing the magazine to Fascist-like propaganda reminiscent of Hitler's Nazi.

Apart from the controversial cover picture, the right-leaning magazine also contained anti-migrant articles with brazen titles like "Does Europe Want to Commit Suicide?" and "The Hell of Europe" according to a report by the International Business Times.

Writing for the said Polish magazine, Aleksandra Rybińska reported about numerous but often under-reported stories of rape of European women since the arrival of the refugees mostly from war-torn Islamic nations in the Middle East.

"The people of old Europe after the events of New Year's Eve in Cologne painfully realized the problems arising from the massive influx of immigrants. The first signs that things were going wrong, however, were there a lot earlier. They were still ignored or were minimized in significance in the name of tolerance and political correctness," wrote Rybińska as quoted by The Guardian.

However, critics point to the misleading and overblown narrative of the so-called threat arising from the refugees being played by right-wing propaganda.

"That's precisely what wSieci's cover image aimed to achieve: Fear. It did so, moreover, by borrowing from a long-established set of racial codes... The Polish magazine's rendition of a young white woman, violated by hairy, dark-skinned men, carries immediate echoes to nationalist propaganda of an uglier historical moment," wrote Ishaan Tharoor in his article published by The Washington Post.

TAGSIslam, Islamic Rape of Europe, migrant, magazine, Polish, immigrants, refugees
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