Hillary Clinton gets Key Endorsement from Congressional Black Caucus PAC

By Cheri Cheng - 11 Feb '16 17:14PM

Hillary Clinton has received a key endorsement from the members of the Congressional Black Caucus political action committee.

The chair of the caucus' PAC, Gregory Meeks, said that endorsing Clinton over Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Presidential nominee was "the right thing to do."

Meeks, a representative from New York, said to CNN's Carol Costello, "One of the individuals that has been with us time and time again has been Hillary Clinton. She has been, her whole career, an individual that has been fighting for issues that are important to the African-American community."

Clinton had won 90 percent of the votes by board members. Sanders did not receive any at all. Although the CBC PAC voted in favor of Clinton, Meeks noted that the endorsement is not from the CBC as a whole. Some members of the CBC spoke out against the endorsement.

Rep. Keith Ellison (D), who supports Sanders, tweeted, "Cong'l Black Caucus (CBC) has NOT endorsed in presidential. Separate CBCPAC endorsed withOUT input from CBC membership, including me."

Ellison was not allowed to vote because he does not sit on the PAC board.

The endorsement took place at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee.

Clinton released this statement after the endorsement:

"I pledge a new and comprehensive commitment to equity and opportunity for communities of color. That means reforming our criminal justice system and rebuilding the bonds of trust between our communities and our law enforcement officials. But it also means making major new investments to create jobs, to make it easier to start and grow a small business, to end redlining in housing, and to build reliable public transit systems."

Sanders' campaign has been gaining ground with a huge win in New Hampshire.

TAGSHillary Clinton, Presidential candidate, Democrat, Bernie Sanders, nominee, election
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