Watch Salt And Sugar Intake New Dietary Guidelines Warn

By Peter R - 07 Jan '16 17:37PM

The US Dietary Guidelines are out and they recommend cutting down on salt and sugar along with performing adequate physical activity.

NBC News reports that the guidelines recommend limiting added sugar intake to 10% of the total calories and reducing sodium intake by way of restricting salt intake; consume less than 2,300 mg of sodium in a day.

Increased intake of added sugar has been shown to raise the risk of heart disease, obesity, cancer and diabetes, CNN reported. The health guidelines also suggest cutting down consumption of saturated fats by consuming less than 10 percent in calorie count. Red meat and processed meat are main sources of saturated fat and salts.

The Washington Post pointed out that the guidelines are not explicit when suggesting the don'ts as it makes those recommendations in nutrient terms without specifying the foods that ought to be avoided. On the other hand, it makes clear what a healthy eating pattern is; the guidelines suggest consuming fruit, vegetable, protein, dairy, grains and oils.

"For most individuals, achieving a healthy eating pattern will require changes in food and beverage choices. This edition of the Dietary Guidelines focuses on shifts to emphasize the need to make substitutions-that is, choosing nutrient-dense foods and beverages in place of less healthy choices-rather than increasing intake overall," a summary of the recommendations reads.

TAGSsugar, salt, obesity, Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, diet, Guidelines, meat, Fat
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