Angelina Jolie May Embrace Hinduism While Brad Pitt Stays As An Atheist

By Jenn Loro - 05 Jan '16 09:52AM

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt may be one of the most loving and lasting couples in Hollywood but may have rifts as both are rumored to keep different religious faiths.

World Religion News argued that the 40-year old actress may embrace Hinduism as reflected in the actress recent behavior who was seen praying at a Hindu Temple while vacationing in Phuket, Thailand.

She did not came alone in the temple as Brad and their kids accompanied the actress in reaching the place of prayer.

The news of Anj' praying in a Hindu temple aroused the interests of people having the same faith such as Rajan Zed, a Hindu statesman who issued a statement saying he will be grateful to assist the actress if she wants to probe deeper and enrich her knowledge on the ancient religion.

Back in November last year, the 52-year old actor shares how the strict upbringing by her Southern Baptist parents had backfired causing him to detest Christianity and embrace atheism, instead, according to Inquisitr.

In an interview, Pitt talked about his upbringing in the Springfield Missouri with his parents imposing 'Christian guilt' as a way to discipline them. The actor also shared how his father had been 'very, very tough' and strict.

Regardless of this strict upbringing, the By The Sea actor remembered one good thing about his parents.

"But one thing my folks always stressed was being capable, doing things for yourself. He was really big on integrity - and that informed a lot of what [we] try to do now," he said that time.

Meanwhile, Brad and Angie are enjoying their vacation in Southeast Asia with their brood. Despite, Pax's earlier accident that caused a minor injury in his foot, they whole family enjoyed an action-packed, luxurious vacation while staying in a villa that costs them $18,000 per night, Design Trend said.

TAGSAngelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, marriage, religion, family, Thailand, Hinduism
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