JK Rowling News: Author Explains Why Harry Potter Names First Son After The Late Professor Severus Snape

By Jenn Loro - 28 Nov '15 15:29PM

JK Rowling engages in a Twitter exchange among avid Harry Potter fans who are wondering Harry named his son, Albus Severus after Professor Severus Snape.

"Snape died for Harry out of love for Lily. Harry paid him tribute in forgiveness and gratitude," the author announced on Friday as reported in Time.

The discussion started when a follower aired her curiosity on the author's decision as shown in the epilogue of the movie franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when Harry and Jenny are now sending their kids to school and naming one of them as Albus Severus.

"Why did you pick Snape to name Harry's kid after? I'm genuinely curious as he was nothing but abusive towards everyone," the Tweeter user asked.

The question ignited a long debate with fans saying that Professor Snape does not deserve such honor as he held malice against Harry's family especially his father James Potter.

"That's not true, I'm afraid. Snape projected his hatred and jealousy of James onto Harry," she declared.

The British novelist further explained the complexities of Professor Snape's character as he sided with Lord Voldemort and killed Harry's hero, headmaster Albus Dumbledore in the book, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince."

"Snape is all grey. You can't make him a saint: he was vindictive & bullying. You can't make him a devil: he died to save the wizarding world," she explained as mentioned in LA Times.

In the last book, however, Snape's intentions have been clarified as it was revealed that Snape killed Dumbledore as what the latter had ordered in order to save Harry in the end. Saving Harry is also part of Snape's undying love for Lily.

Rowling closed the Twitter debate saying, "See what you started, @FrazzyJazzy7? I need to get back to work. Have a good day, Snape-lovers, haters and in-betweeners all xxxx"

Harry Potter's son, Albus Severus is rumored to be the center of Rowling's upcoming HP sequel that will be turned into a two-part play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, on London's West End, The Sun UK said.

The play is said to be held at the Palace Threatre in June 2016.

TAGSTwitter, JK Rowling, Harry Potter, Snape, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
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