Cheese Can Be As Addictive As Drugs, Study

By R. Siva Kumar - 25 Oct '15 00:22AM

Can cheese be addictive? Certainly, say researchers from the University of Michigan, who published a study in the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

The study in PLOS One  was published in early 2015, and has become viral due to the surprising results.

In its list of addictive food, pizzas are on top, due to the cheese toppings and dairy products. Due to food processing, the normal dairy product becomes addictive cheese. The more the food becomes processed and fatty, the more it is likely to become a drug for the foodie.

Casein in the cheese is the culprit for addiction.

"Casein breaks apart during digestion to release a whole host of opiates called casomorphins. The opiates then flood the brain with feelings of reward and addiction," said Neal Barnard of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Another factor is the casomorphins, dopamine receptors that stoke the, addiction, says Cameron Wells, a registered dietitian, Los Angeles Times  reports.

TAGScheese, addictive food items, casein, Neal Barnard, casomorphins, dopamine, Cameron Wells
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