Back to the Future Day: Things the Movie Predicted Right and Wrong

By Kanika Gupta - 23 Oct '15 13:51PM

For those who are still mystified with all the hype around October 21st 2015, this is exactly the day when stars from cult movie "Back to the Future", Marty McFly and Doc Brown, come into the future using their electric DeLorean that propels them into the future. If you are still as confused as you were before then you need to watch the movie to get into its vibe that the world seems to be celebrating on this very day. Come the 21st October, it was quite predictable how the world that is powered by social media will react to the iconic inventions shown in the movie and their very own list of what they did and didn't get right in the movie, reports Daily Mail.

 The Guardian followed the streak and had the most revered astrophysicist of our time, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, speak about the rights and wrongs of the cult movie from the 1980s. According to Mashable, Tyson took to Twitter dissecting all the aspects of the movie which although were not that accurate but were still fun for the readers. He tweeted about the drone walked dogs in the second film from the trilogy saying that we don't have them today. But in 2014, a New York based videographer took his little dog out for a stroll using an air drone. While it may not be a popular or a feasible concept, but it is still there.

As per, the things that the movie got right include rejuvenation clinics with their botox and hair plugs, fingerprint scanners in the movie are very much a reality as we all know, self lacing trainers, wearable technology, 3D movies! On the other hand, Daily Mail reported things that the movie did miss in 2015 like the flying cars, hoverboards and time travel.

TAGSBack to the Future: Part II, hover board, Time Travel
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