Syrian Refugee And Gang Rape Victim Believed To Be Killed By Family For 'Honor'

By R. Siva Kumar - 09 Oct '15 11:28AM

It was a horrific finding in Dessau, Eastern Germany on Friday. A 20-year-old Syrian woman, Rokstan-M, was found murdered and buried in a shallow grave.

She has reportedly been gang-raped in her homeland, and then escaped to Germany. The cops believe that the murder had been orchestrated by her mother, who had thought that her daughter had contaminated the family's honor and been violated, according to The Independent.

Somehow, Rokstan seemed to be having some premonition about the death. She wroted on her WhatsApp profile that "I am awaiting death. But I am too young to die."

There were multiple stab wounds on her body. The main suspects of the murder are her father and two brothers.

Earlier, Rokstan had been living in a house for single women, employed as a translator to help those who sought refuge in Germany. She moved in to live with her family and survived for a few days before the horrific tragedy.

It was Mark Krüger, a writer and her employer, who gave his opinion, that she had been killed by her family. He procured a tape that she had made which gave a hint as to who could be the murderer.

"I was taken by three men. Ever since that time my family have regarded me as unclean. My mother and my brothers mistreat me. They say that I deserve to die," Rokstan stated in the tape.

However, the ringleader of the murder, her mother, denies that she had a hand in it.

"I had nothing to do with her death," she said.

Her brothers have hidden themselves, while her father, Hasso, is thought to have run to Turkey or Syria.

TAGSsyrian refugee camp, gang rape victim, Rokstan-M, Mark Krüger
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