How To Have A Healthy Sex Life With TV Sharing Your Bedroom

By R. Siva Kumar - 10 Sep '15 12:31PM

Psychologists have always held that a TV in the bedroom with sex isn't a good idea. "The bed should be reserved for two things: intimacy and sleep," said Laurel House, the author of 'Screwing The Rules: The No-Games Guide to Love,' according to Brides.

"Television is bad for sexual Feng Shui as it emits EMF (electromagnetic field) energy, but worse, it psychologically turns people off from sex," said Ellen Whitehurst, a lifestyle expert.

In a 2006 study in Italy, it is proved that TV in the bedroom halves a couple's sex life.

However, another 2014 study in UK reveals the opposite---that it has induced couples to have more together-time, according to Daily Mail.

"TV may very well be a relationship enhancer. Couples have bonded over favorite shows they watch together, every night or every week - no matter what! It's a chance to snuggle up in bed and make a pact to have alone time," said psychologist Debbie Magids, according to Match.Com.

However, if you want TV, sex as well as "sanity" and harmony in your relationship, you could follow these guidelines:

Reach a mutual agreement in order to reduce unnecessary arguments.

Fix your viewing time. Maybe two hours for a TV show on specific nights, with the TV timers set to automatically go off at a particular time could help you to reach an agreed schedule. And make time to have sex for the rest of the time.

Be considerate about each other's sleep time, though. Keep the volume of your TV low, and use the headphones to see that the partner is not getting disturbed if he or she is doing something else.

You can create a specific TV cabinet space, and close the doors when it is not getting viewed.

If you need to be talking to each other, you can do it with the TV turned off, according to hngn.

TAGShealthy sex life, bedroom, intimacy, sleep, Guide to love, Feng shui, emf energy, Ellen Whitehurst
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