Though US Unemployment Rate Is Halved, Job Creation Too Has Declined

By R. Siva Kumar - 05 Sep '15 12:23PM

Even as the unemployment rate gives cheer by dropping to half of what it was during the recession crisis, the numbers for the August job growth worry the experts, according to CNN.

The U.S. Department of Labor has said that unemployment rates have declined to about 5.1 percent, which is the nadir of the decade.

Yet this rate is strange, as a sub-par number of new jobs have been created for the month.

In August, though 173,000 jobs had been created, the growth prediction had been 220,000 new jobs.

However, investment strategist Scott Clemons said that the numbers are nothing new.

"This just continues the trend that we've seen where all sectors of employment continue to improve modestly," said Clemons.

So much data may just have been "negatively influenced by a statistical fluke," which has often changed the employment data conclusions, as happened in June and July. At the time, there seemed to be a mismatch in the totals. The statistics did not account for the growth of 44,000 jobs and a pay increase of 8 cents, according to Yahoo! Finance.

"The job market is still moving in the right direction," says Robin Anderson, senior economist at Principal Global Investors.

While there is some cautious hope in the air, there is also some worry about the policy decisions that need to be taken by the federal leaders, according to hngn.

TAGSunemployment rate, job creation, recession, US Department of Labor, Scott Clemons, employment data, job market, Robin Anderson, federal leaders
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