Elisabeth Hasselbeck And Rosie O'Donnell Twitter Spat Over 'Black Lives Matter'

By R. Siva Kumar - 03 Sep '15 08:17AM

There was a Twitter war between Rosie O'Donnell ane Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

Rosie did not like her former "The View" co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck's viewpoints on the Black Lives Matter movement. Hasselbeck, a conservative TV personality, had said earlier this week that it was "just a hate group".

O'Donnell, who is quite a votary of the Black Lives Matter movement, did not agree with Hasselbeck's comments and tweeted what she felt quickly.

On Monday's episode of "Fox and Friends" Hasselbeck had discussed with a critic, Kevin Jackson, about the death of a Texan police deputy by an African-American suspect. "Why has the Black Lives Matter movement not been classified yet as a hate group?," she asked Jackson, according to the Daily Mail. "I mean, how much more has to go in this direction before someone actually labels it as such?"

She was responding to a Black Lives Matter demonstration at the Minnesota State Fair at the weekend, where marchers chanted in unions against police: 'Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon.'

There was a backlash against her comments, and Rosie O'Donnell tweeted: "some r slow to wake."

She also retweeted a post, "when r we going to declare Donald Trump as a hate group?"

In Twitter, Hasselbeck defended her statements: "My question was NOT my opinion it was for my guest & was @ the St Paul group (NOT entire BLM) calling for cops to be 'fried like bacon,'" she wrote.

But this was not the first time that she has been slammed for her views, reported the New York Daily News. In July, she had mentioned that Sandra Bland, who died in prison of an apparent suicide after an exchange with the cops in Texas, perhaps threatened the cops. Last year, she was slammed when she compared the NFL domestic abuse scandals to Obama's handling of the 2012 Benghazi attack on the American Consulate in Libya.

O'Donnell and Hasselback have always been on opposite sides of political viewpoints, after an epic 2007 battle, when they both co-hosted "The View," according to hngn.

TAGSElisabeth Hasselbeck, Rosie O'Donnell, Black Lives Matter, twitter war, The View, Kevin Jackson, 'Pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon', Sandra Bland
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