Report: 38 Percent of Dog Owners Love their Furry Animals more than their Partner

By Cheri Cheng - 27 Aug '15 16:55PM

It might be an understatement to say that dog owners love their pets.

According to a new poll, 38 percent of dog owners admitted to loving their pets more than their partner. The survey, which was conducted by, questioned nearly 1,000 dog owners.

"Our dogs are more than just pets. They are companions who provide emotional support and joy in our lives -- much in the way a spouse is meant to," Tina Vidal, president at Pooch Perks, said in a news release. "So the fact that so many Americans would choose their dog over their partner may not come as a surprise to those of us who would do anything for our pup."

PoochPerks is a subscription box service that ships toys and treats for dogs.

The survey also asked pet owners to rate how heartbroken they would be if they lost their dog. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most devastated that they can feel, the average that pet owners rated was 9.1 When asked to rate how much a breakup would hurt them, the average was 8.8.

In terms of relationships, 94 percent of dog owners sated that it is important to them that their pet likes their significant other. 71 percent stated that there would be relationship problems if their pet and partner did not get along.

When it comes to trust, pet owners stated that they trusted their pet and partner equally.

Other findings from the survey reveal that owners are willing to spend more than $20,000 on medical expenses to save their dog's life and that women tend to love their pets more than men did.

TAGSdog, Animals, Owner, pets, love, spouse, partner, Heart
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