Oxford adds Slang Words to Online Dictionary

By Cheri Cheng - 27 Aug '15 14:55PM

Slang words will soon become "real" words.

The Oxford online dictionary, OxfordDictionaries.com, announced on Thursday that the words, manspreading, hangry and butt-dialing will be joining other popular phrases such as Grexit (used to describe whether or not Greece will leave the Eurozone) and brainfart (momentary mental lapse).

The slang words were just some of the new terms that have been added during the site's quarterly update.

Manspreading describes men who sit with their legs wide apart and take up too much space on public transportation, like subways and buses. In New York City last year, the city's transport authorities created a campaign to discourage manspreading.

Hangry is a word used to describe when people get very angry when they are extremely hungry. Butt-dialing, a slang word that has been around for a while, is used to describe when someone accidentally calls another person when the phone is in the rear pocket.

Some of the other terms that were added are awesomesauce (when something is incredibly awesome), manic pixie dream girl (a quirky appealing female character) wine o'clock/ beer o'clock (used to indicate when it is time to start drinking), ragequit (angrily quitting a game), fangirl (a female comic book fan), and YouTuber (a frequent user on YouTube).

"I've been suffering from beer o'clock for years and so have a lot of my peers," David Astle, the author of Riddledom, said reported by ABC Australia. "It seems wine o'clock is the snobby update and it's welcome, of course. I love the fact that language can be so flexible and shape-shifting and accommodating."

TAGSOxford Dictionary, slang, Word, manspreading, fangirl, hangry, Grexit, butt-dialing, Language, beer o'clock
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