Scientists Can Tell if a Man will Murder his Loved Ones

By Dustin Braden - 26 Aug '15 19:36PM

Scientists claim they have found distinctions that make it possible to tell whether or not a man will go off the deep end and kills his romantic partner and children.

The Daily Mail reports that a team of researchers at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine have discovered that men who are more likely to kill members of their family have certain characteristics that set them apart from the rest of the population.

The research has been published in the Journal of Forensic Studies and was based on an evaluation of 153 murders. The study looked at both men and women who had been charged with or convicted of first degree murder in the states of Illinois, Colorado, Missouri, Indiana, and Arizona.

The research found that men who commit spontaneous domestic murder usually do not have a criminal history, tend to be of lower intellect, and are usually coping with some type of mental illness made worse by drug or alcohol abuse. Jealousy or recent break ups also play a prominent role in such crimes, according to the scientists.

The researchers said that if people know about these traits and find or experience them in their male partners, they should try to get that person to seek psychological treatment.

TAGSNorthwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Psychology, Journal of Forensic Studies
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