iPhone 6S Plus Release Date: Pre-Orders Likely On September 11, French Carrier Leak Confirms

By Peter R - 24 Aug '15 17:48PM

Reports have emerged in the recent past that Apple would start selling iPhone 6S on September 18. Now reports claim pre-orders would begin a week early.

According to Forbes, the historical data of Apple's launches leads to the conclusion that pre-orders will begin September 11. This has also been confirmed by a leak from a French carrier. The leak shows Apple's notification to French carriers mentioning that pre-orders will begin September 11.

France launches new devices the same day when they are launched in the US and UK. Leaks from carriers in UK and Japan have shown that Apple will start selling the phones September 18. However, a pre-order date has only been speculated thus far, with the phone's launch expected to take place September 9. With the recent leak from a major French carrier, a September 11 date for pre-order is likely.

The iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus are highly anticipated devices which are expected to outdo the iPhone 6 in sales and take Apple's shares to new heights. While Apple sold a record number of iPhone 6 devices in the last one year, its stock is seeing a downward trend. Some market analysts believe that the new iPhones may not be able to do much if they are simply minor upgrades to last year's models.

TAGSapple, iphone, iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6s Plus
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