‘Big Brother 17’ Spoilers: Austin Chooses a Side, Nominates Johnny Mac and Steve

By Cheri Cheng - 24 Aug '15 11:40AM

Austin, Week 9's Head of Household (HoH), chickened out during Sunday night's episode of "Big Brother 17," when he decided against nominating Vanessa. Instead, Austin selected Johnny Mac and Steve for eviction.

Austin's decision was an extremely difficult one. Since Austin, Liz and Julia have alliances with every one in the household, he was bound to have to break his promise to two people and those two people were Johnny Mac and Steve.

Despite picking them, Austin still sounded conflicted and pained in his nomination speech.

He said, "I'm conflicted. As a human being, I've always been conflicted. I think that life is meaningless and important at the same time. It's meaningless because we're all gonna die, but it's important because we're all living, we can love, and I can quest for knowledge because knowledge is power, right? Well, unfortunately those in power say what knowledge is, especially here. In week 5, I was supposed to be eliminated from this game. My fate was sealed. And if it wasn't for her winning a competition all by herself, I wouldn't be here, and I would've had no decisions to make. So now I'm not thinking just for myself. I'm thinking about her, too. I'm in an impossible situation this week. Johnny Mac and Steve, you were not a part what happened to me that week, so why are you guys on the block? You're victims just like I am, but unfortunately in life, victims, aren't we all? That's all I have to say."

Even though Austin did not nominate Vanessa, many speculated that she could be 'backdoored' this week. However, according to the spoilers, Vanessa has earned this week's PoV (power of the veto). The spoilers added that Vanessa does not plan on changing the nominations this week so it seems like either Johnny Mac or Steve will indeed be heading out the door.

The live eviction will air on Thursday at 9 p.m. on CBS. The person leaving the house will be headed to the Jury.

TAGSBig Brother 17, spoilers, Nomination, eviction, johnny mac, Steve, power of veto, Head of Household
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