Why Is OxyContin Approved While Marijuana Is Illegal?

By R. Siva Kumar - 18 Aug '15 12:08PM

Even as the federal government refuses to legalise cannabis oil, even if they are "low-THC strains" that are safe for children, they have no issue with American youth getting lured by dangerous narcotic drugs., according to hightimes.

Recently, the Food and Drug Administration agreed to approve the painkiller OxyContin, which will soon be given to children aged 11-16 years by physicians all over.

Hence, this plan to give kids the powerful opiate medications was drawn up by Connecticut's Purdue Pharma. Critics feel that the company draws its funds from doctors, getting most of revenue from selling prescription painkillers.

Even though everyone knows that cannabis is a "safe and effective" medication with lower than 10 percent rate of addiction for long-term users, as well as a zero percent mortality rate, the US has exposed the younger generation to opiates.

However, the FDA has announced its strict regulations in OxyContin for kids. Dr. Sharon Hertz, Director of Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Addiction Products for the FDA, said that candidates for children's smack will receive at least 20 milligrams of OxyContin for five days to see if they make the bill.

"We are always concerned about the safety of our children, particularly when they are ill and require medications and when they are in pain," Hertz said. "OxyContin is not intended to be the first opioid drug used in pediatric patients, but the data show that changing from another opioid drug to OxyContin is safe if done properly."

However, the FDA has not mentioned an important fact--- OxyContin and other prescription painkillers are a leading cause of overdose deaths in the country. In fact, statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that "3 out of every 4 pharmaceutical overdose deaths" are attributed to opioid analgesics, such as oxycodone, otherwise known as OxyContin.

"There is around as many deaths related to opiate overdose as motor vehicle accidents every year," said Jason Philips with Detox.net.

However, most experts wring their hands at this move on the part of the government. Said hightimes: "The idea that our federal government, which maintains that marijuana prohibition is in the interest of health and public safety, is fine with allowing our children to use dangerous and highly addictive pain medication before they even have both feet out of the cradle is a testament to just how crooked and blatantly hypocritical this nation has become when it comes pushing through deadly substances in the interest of kickbacks and large profits."

TAGSoxycontin, marijuana illegal, cannabis oil, low THC strains, Dr Sharon Hertz, Director of Anesthesia, opioid drug, Jason Philips
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