Black Woman Sues Psych Ward, It Held Her Delusional For Saying That Obama Follows Her On Twitter

By R. Siva Kumar - 06 Aug '15 23:04PM

Kam Brock, a Banker, was held in a psychiatric ward for eight days for strange reasons.

She is now suing the psychiatric ward of Harlem Hospital for detaining her after she was diagnosed as delusional, because she told doctors---correctly---that Obama follows her on Twitter. It was recorded in a suit filed at Manhattan Federal court.

She was held by Harlem Hospital for eight days in September 2014, diagnosed also with "bipolar disorder", according to theindependent.

It began when the police stopped her in her BMW, suspecting her of drug use. They found no drugs in her car, but took over her vehicle, nevertheless. When she went to claim her car the following day, she went to the wrong police station. It was followed by 'drama', and she got emotional, which she confesses. However, when the cops began to question her sanity, things deteriorated.

Brock's lawyer said that the police deceived her about escorting her to her car, but then took her to an ambulance and strapped her down, sedated, and transported her to Harlem Hospital.

"I told (the doctor) Obama follows me on Twitter to show her the type of person I am. I'm a good person, a positive person. Obama follows positive people!" she said.

Reports show that the doctors did not believe that she was a banker or was followed on Twitter by President Obama, even though both these facts could be immediately tracked. The "treatment plan, which included group therapy, sedatives, and lithium, was to get her to deny those claims," according to blacgirllonghair. During her stay, she was repeatedly given intravenous sedations and administered lorazepam and lithium.

"Next thing you know, the police held onto me, the doctor stuck me with a needle and I was knocked out. I woke up to them taking off my underwear and then went out again. I woke up the next day in a hospital robe," she said.

For eight days, she was held by the hospital, which did not even check whether she was a banker or had any issues. While the hospital verified her statements in the records, they did cross-check them. There is also no indication of any violent or indecent behavior from her. Her statements that she was a banker and was followed by Obama seemed to indicate that she was suffering from "delusions", according to the hospital. Her "treatment" involved her "admitting" that her career was just fabricated.

The notes read: "Objective: Patient will verbalize the importance of education for employment and will state that Obama is not following her on Twitter," the document reads. It also notes, "patient's weaknesses: inability to test reality, unemployment."

Finally, she was let go with discharge papers with no comment on her "progress or mental state". "Simply, they let her out the back door and hoped she'd go away." Appallingly, she was given a $13,000 medical bill!

Kam Brock is a rapper known by the stage name Akilah Brock.

She is now suing the hospital for "unspecified damages".

TAGSKam Brock, banker, psychiatric ward, Harlem hospital, delusional, Obama, Twitter, Manhattan federal court, bipolar disorder, drug use, sanity, treatment plan, group therapy, lorazepam, lithium, delusions, Rapper, Akilah Brock
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