What Happens To Your Body 60 Minutes after Drinking a Can Of Coke

By Pranav Sirivolu - 01 Aug '15 13:37PM

"Pure as Sunlight, Good till Last Drop," are some of the slogans coca-cola has used in its marketing campaigns over the years. However, now a pharmacist challenges these claims, reveals coca-cola is not as pure, and is rather harmful until the last drop. An article published by Niraj Naik, in therenegadepharmacist.com clearly explains in detail what happens to your body within 60 minutes of consuming coca-cola.

 Niraj Naik explains the cause of many health related issues starting from obesity, to heart attack is a substance called "Fructose." He reveals all almost all the processed foods available on the market contain this dangerous substance as high fructose corn syrup. Fructose in the form of corn syrup add flavor to other wise tasteless low fat food.

Only Liver can metabolize Fructose and not any other cell can as in the case of Glucose. Fructose is similar to ethanol in alcohol, minus the high of ethanol and it confuses liver that results in creation of bad fats, etc. Though, fruits available in nature also contains this substance, fructose, mother nature also offer antidote- fiber to help contain absorbing more of fructose; reducing consumption of Fructose helps feel better, reduce weight, etc. On the other hand, consuming foods high on fructose such as coke can cause many health problems.

Wade Meredith, in his article published on blisstree.com details what happens to your body within 60 minutes of consuming coca-cola.

Within 10 minutes of drinking a can of coke, your body gets 100% of daily dose of sugar; thanks to the phosphoric acid, it helps you stay controlled and do not vomit with the overdose of sweetness.

However, the over sweetness causes your insulin levels to burst in the next 10 minutes, that is 20 minutes after consuming coke. As a result, liver starts converting sugars into fat.

The next 20 minutes about 40 minutes from the time, you consume the coke, its havoc; your body absorbs caffeine completely, blood pressure levels rise, liver keeps responding leading to an increase of sugar levels in the blood stream, also, it blocks the adenosine receptors in the brain that prevents drowsiness.

By 45 minutes, your body acts as if you have consumed heroin, as it increases the dopamine production relaxing pleasure points in the brain.

The next 15 minutes or by 60 minutes, metabolism receives further push as phosphoric acid combines zinc, magnesium, calcium; the complexity of excessive levels of sugar and artificial sweeteners forces urinary excretion of calcium. Making things worse, calcium's diuretic properties start showing their response. Substances such as magnesium, calcium, zinc meant to reach bones will have been evacuated by now. Finally, your sugar levels come crashing down, causing sluggishness, making you irritable, etc. In addition, your body releases water content of the coke, sending out all the nutrients, etc that were supposed to help hydrate your body, strengthen bones, teeth, etc.

Coke is a combination of sugars, phosphoric acid, caffeine, etc which are also present in soda, etc. So next time you feel thirsty, make a wise choice and a safe drink!

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