Costco Stops Dinosaur-shaped Birthday Cake After Mom Charges It Of Promoting Satanism

By R. Siva Kumar - 20 Jul '15 06:47AM

A dinosaur cake might sound cute, but its promoter Costco has stopped it now, after an Arizona mother complained that it promoted Satanism, according to rawstory.

Jessica Eckerdt of Queen Creek had bought the cake from Costco for her son's birthday party, but just before she sang his birthday song, she saw that the legs and feet of the blue and green dinosaur looked like "666," the Sign of the Beast.

The cake, with just three of the stylized legs that look like upside-down commas, has now been stopped. In an email to Costco she wrote: "I was extremely shocked and upset to see a demonic symbol written clear as day on my six-year-old son's birthday cake. What was supposed to be a whimsical dinosaur became something very distasteful. I was extremely surprised at Costco for allowing such an inappropriate joke be sold to an unsuspecting victim."

The comment was enough to worry the discount retailer, which promptly pulled out its cake from its website and retail locations.

The act as well as Jessica's reaction has raised some protests. Writes one commentator in liberalamerica: "Oh my gosh! Clear the room and start praying! Satan just snuck into my house via a cake! Head for the hills and don't look back!"

He added: "I'm a Christian, and I've also purchased a dinosaur cake for my daughter's birthday when she was five, but I've never feared that a cake would indoctrinate my child into the ways of Beelzebub. Probably because I know that my own beliefs and the ones I've shared with my daughter are strong enough to stand against an "invasion" of the Prince of Darkness from a freaking cake!"

TAGSCostco, Dinosaur shaped cake, promoting satanism, Jessica Eckerdt, Queen Creek, Sign of Beast, Satan, Beelzebub
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