Diabetic Patients Can Keep Blood Sugar Levels in Check by Eating Carbs Last

By Ashwin Subramania - 25 Jun '15 09:09AM

By paying attention to the order in which diabetic patients eat their food, blood sugar levels can be kept in check, a new study has revealed.

According to nutritionists from the Weill Cornell Medical College, people with type 2 diabetes can lead healthier lives if they eat carbohydrates after vegetables and proteins.

They found that the order in which food is consumed, ends up significantly affecting glucose and insulin levels in the body at the conclusion of each meal.

Lead author of the study Dr Louis Aronne believes that diabetics must not solely rely on medications but should also take the necessary steps to include certain lifestyle changes. This includes watching one's diet on a regular basis to keep blood sugar levels in check.

The participants in the study were given vegetables (tomato salad, lettuce and steamed broccoli), fats (low fat dressing and butter), proteins (chicken breast) and carbohydrates (ciabatta bread). The researchers carried out various experiments with the food order over the course of a week and their blood sugar levels were constantly monitored at the end of 30, 60 and 120 minutes.

During their research, the nutritionists noticed that blood sugar levels dropped by a considerably margin of 29 percent with patients who ate their carbohydrates last - 30 minutes after their meal. After 1 hour, the blood sugar levels dropped by 37 percent.

Researchers are hopeful that these new findings will enable diabetic patients to easily introduce minor changes in their diet while also benefiting from its positive effects on their health.

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