Stan Lee: Spider-Man should stay white and straight

By Ashwin Subramania - 24 Jun '15 09:49AM

Stan Lee agrees with Sony's decision to keep Spiderman's ethnicity and sexuality unchanged.

The leaked emails from Sony Corporation revealed a controversial and restrictive set of guidelines for the character's film persona and Lee has spoken out in support of them.

"I wouldn't mind, if Peter Parker had originally been black, a Latino, an Indian or anything else, that he stay that way," he said. "But we originally made him white. I don't see any reason to change that."

Lee also feels that Parker's sexuality should remain as originally established but is open to the idea of creating other homosexual characters.

"I think the world has a place for gay superheroes, certainly," he said. "But again, I don't see any reason to change the sexual proclivities of a character once they've already been established. I have no problem with creating new, homosexual superheroes."

"It has nothing to do with being anti-gay, or anti-black, or anti-Latino, or anything like that," he said. "Latino characters should stay Latino. The Black Panther should certainly not be Swiss."

 "I just see no reason to change that which has already been established when it's so easy to add new characters. I say create new characters the way you want to. Hell, I'll do it myself."

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