Dreaded Testicle Eating Fish Found in Jersey Lake

By Peter R - 24 Jun '15 09:50AM

A father-son duo caught a strange species of fish in southern Jersey which is known to bite off the testicles of men.

According to New York Post, the fish is native to South America and a relative of the dreaded piranha. But unlike its notorious cousin it has flat human-like teeth that it uses on men. Fishermen in its South America call it Pacu but it is also known as the 'Nutcracker'.

It is a mystery how the fish found its way to the Swedes Lake in Delran, New Jersey.

"We scoop this thing and brought it up. We didn't know what kind of fish it was," Ron Rossi, who caught the fish with his son Frank told ABC 6. From its appearance they thought it was a piranha but after some searching on the internet they realized they had caught a Pacu.

State officials believe that people who keep Pacu as exotic pets release them in the lake. While the Rossis plan on humanely putting down the fish, the concern is more such fish may be lurking in the lake, waiting to chomp on men's family jewels.

TAGSfish, Pacu, piranha, testicles, Men, New Jersey, Dalran
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