Charleston Shooter Website Reveals Views on Race

By Dustin M Braden - 21 Jun '15 11:52AM

A website with a racist manifesto and pictures of the Charleston church shooter in racist paraphernalia has been linked to Dylann Roof, the man who carried out one of the worst acts of terrorism in the United States since Sept. 11.

The New York Times reports that the website showed images of Roof spitting on and burning the American flag while proudly waving the Confederate flag. The website was registered to Dylann Roof, who has confessed to murdering 9 black people at a prayer meeting in a Charleston, South Carolina Church. He sat in the prayer meeting for an hour before brutally murdering the victims.

The 2,500 word racist screed posted on the website says that Roof only became racially aware after the grown George Zimmerman chased down and killed teenaged Trayvon Martin despite the police operator telling Zimmerman to remain in the car.

Roof said Zimmerman was in the right to kill Martin, and that he became racially aware after he performed a Google search for "black on white crime." He claimed the media ignored events of blacks killing whites.

He credited the Council for Conservative Citizens for helping him to become racially aware.

He also said that there was too much talk on the internet when it came to white supremacy, and not enough action, and that he believed he had to commit this act of terrorism to protect the white race.

The manifesto is also full of boring racist bile about the "inferiority" of other races to whites, and the idea that Jews control everything.

Although the manifesto was not signed, the website which was registered to Roof, found it was edited just hours before the shooting, and the Times notes that the essay says the author is, "in a great hurry."

TAGSDylann Roof, racism, terrorism,, South Carolina
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