Twitter Introduces Autoplay For Videos, GIFs

By Kamal Nayan - 17 Jun '15 01:22AM

Following footsteps of Facebook, Twitter yesterday announced that it has also implemented the autoplay feature for videos and Gifs shared on the network.

Twitter says the new autoplay feature for videos will save users from multiple taps to play a video on Twitter. However it did not mention about users who don't want to see every videos that's posted on their timeline.

When the feature is enabled, native videos, Vines, and GIFs will begin to play back automatically. You can un-mute when you tap on them. Turning the video to landscape mode will turn on sounds and video will expand to fit the screen.

Notably, users can still choose to revert to the previous click-to-play experience or simply have videos autoplay only when you're connected to wifi.

The new feature is being rolled out on Twitter for iOS and The company said the Android version is "coming soon."

TAGSTwitter, GIFs, Videos, Autoplay, facebook
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