Transplant Penis Helps 21-Year Old South African Become Dad

By Peter R - 13 Jun '15 14:57PM

Doctors in South Africa announced an achievement that could pave the way for more such successes. World's first man who received a penile transplant is set to become a father.

According to BBC, doctors in South Africa announced that the 21-year old man's girlfriend is four months pregnant, proving success of the transplant which he had undergone following a botched circumcision. The man had received a donor penis last December.

Traditional communities in South Africa require young men to undergo a ritual of initiation when they turn 18 years involving circumcision. The procedure reportedly results in maiming and death in dozens of boys every year.

"There is a greater need in South Africa for this type of procedure than elsewhere in the world, as many young men lose their penises every year due to complications from traditional circumcision," Dr. Van der Merwe of Stellenbosch University and Tygerberg Hospital had said earlier in March.

The man's penis was amputated to save his life following the circumcision procedure that left him with just 1 cm of the organ.

To perform the transplant, the doctors connected the blood vessels and nerves in a manner similar to the first facial transplant the surgeons undertook.

TAGSpenis, penile transplant, penis transplant, South Africa, circumcision, sex, fatherhood
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