Microsoft Is Making Sure That You Can Use Skype From Web Browser

By Kamal Nayan - 05 Jun '15 13:07PM

Microsoft is making it easier for users to ditch the native app and use Skype from web browser, just like Google's Hangouts. The company recently announced Skype for Web (public beta).

Skype for Web was launched in last fall but as a private beta; it is not available as public beta. It can be used for messaging, audio calls and video chats. It also supports desktop notifications.

Setting up the web version of Skype does involve installing a plug-in which means that Chromebook users are just limited to text messaging only. However, Microsoft said that a WebRTC version is coming soon that wouldn't require installing plug-in.

Notably, the web version doesn't support Microsoft's latest browser Edge (as of now).

Another point worth mentioning is that by using the app users automatically agree to the use of tracking cookies for "analytics, personalized content, and ads." However, this is a standard procedure on the web, but something to be aware of.

The web app should be a better alternative for occasional Skype users who don't find merit in installing a dedicated app on their machines only to use it occasionally. Also this would be a useful alternative for Chromebook users.

TAGSMicrosoft, Skype, Web Browser, Skype for Web
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