Fallout 4 News: PS4, Xbox One and PC Versions of Apocalyptic Game Rumored to Drop Late June [Watch Official Trailer]

By Kamal Nayan - 03 Jun '15 13:15PM

Fallout4.com briefly went live with the below teaser image, showing a kind of desert workshop motif underneath the words "Bethesda Game Studios Presents: Fallout 4 - Welcome Home."

The site also offered links for Xbox One, PS4, and PC versions of the game. However the site was pulled down within minutes of apparent mistaken posting.

Here's the trailer:

It starts with quick cuts between a shiny '50s-style suburban home (complete with hover-robot) and the post-war wreckage of that home, with a stray dog sniffing through the emptiness. As a radio reporter intones about "confirmed reports of nuclear detonations," a voice that sounds a lot like Ron Perlman pipes in with, "My god, our soldiers were right. War... war never changes," Ars Technica wrote.

As of now, on the official site there's just a spinning wheel and nothing else.

TAGSFallout 4, Fallout 4 News, Fallout 4 Update, video game
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