Woman eats dog food for a week to save money: Report

By Staff Reporter - 04 Nov '14 21:03PM

Wall Street Journal columnist Anne Kadet spent a week eating dog food, according to reports.

Kadet had been on a pale diet, which suggests eating meat or other protein sources. She had followed the diet for a year and wanted to try dog food in a bid to cut costs.

"I couldn't help notice that my dog's high-end kibble-like my paleo diet-is high in protein, grain-free, and gluten-free," she writes at Ozy.com. Kadet ate dog food of all kinds for almost a week. Her meals featured kibble and wet food, with Milk-Bones for snacks. The results? Two pounds of weight loss and blood sugar on "the ultralow end of the ideal range-even better than when I was eating paleo."

Kadet takes readers through a 6-day journey of eating dog food and even biscuits on the go. Dog biscuits, not the buttery flaky kind.

In terms of taste, she goes into detail as to what they fast like. Kibble is "dry and gritty," with "a nutty, slightly sour taste," and " halfway through the bowl, my jaw gets tired. " One canned meal tastes "metallic and disturbingly bland," while another is "delicious." And there's "an unforeseen upside to my new diet: The only dish I have to wash is my dog food bowl." Kadet finds that her "energy level is through the roof," but she hasn't stayed on the stuff. Experts inform her that dogs and humans need different amino acids, and dogs make their own vitamin C. Still, given the choice between dog food and a Kraft dinner, Kadet says she'd choose the former.  

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