Photographer Sells Others' Instagram Photos For As Much as $90,000 As 'Art'

By Kamal Nayan - 27 May '15 11:21AM

Anything you post online, becomes, in one way or the other, a public property. Richard Prince, an artist from New York has been producing artwork that is reproduction of other people's Instagram photos.

Recently, Prince featured those so called 'artworks' in a gallery where they were sold out at almost $90K a piece.

The gallery dubbed "New Portraits" featuring pictures of women in sexually charged poses. In reality they were just screenshots which were enlarged up to 6 feet.

The photos were displayed at the Frieze Gallery in NYC.

One of the images belonged to a woman identified as Doe Deere who learnt that her Instagram portrait sold for $90,000 in an exhibit.

"Figured I might as well post this since everyone is texting me. Yes, my portrait is currently displayed at the Frieze Gallery in NYC. Yes, it's just a screenshot (not a painting) of my original post. No, I did not give my permission and yes, the controversial artist Richard Prince put it up anyway. It's already sold ($90K I've been told) during the VIP preview. No, I'm not gonna go after him. And nope, I have no idea who ended up with it!"

Reportedly, all his photos sold out in the exhibit.

TAGSInstagram, photos, sold, stolen
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