Lindsay Lohan 2015: Actress to Face Jail Time for Doing Only 1/6th of Community Service

By Ashwin Subramania - 07 May '15 11:54AM

Lindsay Lohan may face possible jail time after completing only 20 hours of community service out of total quota of 125 hours.

The actor was required to have completed her community service by May 28 and is currently due in court on Thursday where the authorities will check on her progress.

Lohan has been spending a lot of time in London recently and also posted some pictures of herself on Instagram stacking envelopes while being a volunteer at a community service program.

She has also been a part of London based charity Community Service Volunteers but has not done enough to make up for the shortage.

Santa Monica Attorney Terry White does not believe the actress is taking her probation seriously and is considering if it should be revoked.

Lohan was given probation in 2012 to escape jail time after being convicted in a reckless driving conviction.

There are also complaints over how some of the hours which Lohan turned in were suspect, forcing the court to eventually disallow them.

She had allegedly completed 10 hours on one day when she was admitted to the emergency ward for the treatment of a Bora Bora virus.

Going by her past record the judge may very well decide to cancel the probation order and issue an arrest warrant in her name.

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