Millenials Love Fornication But Gen X Had More Sex

By Peter R - 06 May '15 15:27PM

Liberated by the internet, millennials should have aced the sex game but a new study shows their GenX parents were class apart by having more partners for the rumpy-pumpy.


A new survey from San Diego State University researchers showed that millenials are more tolerant of premarital and homosexual sex but are more conservative in increasing number of sex partners.

"Millennials are more accepting of premarital sex than any previous generation, yet have had fewer sexual partners than GenX'ers. This is consistent with their image as a tolerant, individualistic generation accepting others' choices and making their own," the study's lead researcher Jean M. Twenge said.

While the study does not explain the conservatism, researchers believe the HIV epidemic of the 80s could be the reason.

According to Twenge, millenials in the U.S. have 8 sexual partners on average while their parents' generation had aggregated at 10. The baby boomer generation post World War II boasted of 12 partners. The survey was conducted 1972 through 2012 and involved 33,000 adults.

Twenge and her team also found that acceptance of same sex partners increased from 13 percent in 1990 to 44 percent 12 years later.

"The changes are primarily due to generation - suggesting people develop their sexual attitudes while young, rather than every one of all ages changing at the same time. This has caused a large generation gap in both attitudes toward premarital sex and number of sexual partners," she said.

The study has been published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.

TAGSsex, fornication, Gen X, millenials, parents, baby boomers, homosexual, premarital sex, love
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