Hipsters Beware: Beards May Contain More Fecal Matter Than Toilets

By R. Siva Kumar - 04 May '15 17:57PM

Do beards look sexy? Some slimy study won't make you think so. Instead, you might want to keep far away from beards when you hear the results of a so-called study, according to unilad.

While beards may tend to catch food that is meant to begin with the mouth, beards can also be among the "most unhygienic things you could actually have on your face, with microbiologists claiming that there are more germs and bacteria in a beard than around a toilet."

Now that's nice, you will agree.

Strangely, some of the beards examined even contained real poo. Now certainly you wouldn't want to examine some beards yourself, would you?

According to mirror, John Golobic, of Quest Diagnostics in New Mexico, swabbed a number of beards and found that even as several beards contained "normal bacteria", some beards had so much poo that they were comparable to toilets.

Dr Golobic said: "I'm usually not surprised, and I was surprised by this.

However, skeptics are not buying that argument either.

Theguardian said: "However, as far as I can tell there was no proper study, no team of microbiologists and no poo in beards."

It explains that while human faeces is partially composed of gut bacteria, you can't call the bacteria in the beards as faeces. Even if this were a "properly conducted scientific study with a large number of samples and published in a reputable journal, there wouldn't necessarily be any cause for concern," it says.

Dr Golobic's study is too skimpy, and has not been conducted mass scale. Till scientists do it, though, let's hope that beards are fine...unless it belongs to someone who doesn't like to wash....

TAGSbeards, poo, toilet, microbiologists, bacteria, germs, John Golobic, Quest Diagnostics, toilets, human faeces, gut bacteria
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