Microsoft HoloLens To Cost 'Significantly' More Than An Xbox But Will It Be Affordable Enough?

By Kamal Nayan - 04 May '15 13:57PM

Microsoft HoloLens "would cost significantly more than a game console," ie. the Xbox One's $400 price point, according to a NYT report that cited an unnamed Microsoft executive.

HoloLens, unlike other VR headsets, have a class of its own. The headset can run full build of Windows 10 and all the augmentation apps which makes its less like an Xbox One or a VR headset and more like a high end phone or a full PC.

"The HoloLens exists as even more of an experiment, combining gaming with everyday PC and smartphone tasks, but likely at a higher price point. I suppose it's possible we could even see HoloLens out in the market before Oculus is widely available, but the price will be so high it's going to be a very select group of early adopters. For tech like the HoloLens, it would seem as if it's going to take a few generations for it to be ready for primetime," Forbes noted.

According to experts, whenever the HoloLens is released it wont be a console competitor, despite gaming being one of its primary functions. Also, there's hardly anything to compare it to other VR headsets (which are also yet to release).

TAGSHoloLens, Xbox, Microsoft, Xbox One
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