Star Wars Like Space Travel Could be NASA's Latest Muse

By Peter R - 04 May '15 10:17AM

NASA has tested a new spacecraft propulsion technology that actually does not involve propulsion and could set new records in space travel speeds.

Called the Electromagnetic or EM Drive, the technology involves drawing energy from electromagnetic magnetic waves which can be used to propel the spacecraft without propellant expulsion. This is achieved by bouncing the waves in a conical cavity. The technology has remained theoretical until recently and was first discussed in 2001. Since then some practical success has been seen by Chinese and British scientists.

This time around, researchers at NASA's Johnson Space Center tested EM Drive in vacuum. Though results were not official released, unofficial leaks confirmed that the tests were successful.

The science behind the technology is still yet to be fully comprehended as it reportedly violates principles of Newtonian physics. When viable, the technology can shorten the trip from Earth to Moon to hours and to Mars in two months, Discovery News reports.

TAGSNASA, light, space, EM Drive, space travel, Star Wars, Speed
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