Fingers May Reveal REAL Gender, Brain Study

By R. Siva Kumar - 30 Apr '15 18:31PM

Did you know that your fingers can indicate the gender of your brain?

Clasp your hands and let your fingers entwine. Then take a look at your thumbs.

Which thumb is on top---the one of the left hand or the right hand?

If the left thumb is on top, then your brain sex is male!

And if your right thumb is sitting on top then your female brain is dominant, according to dailymail.

Now for another trick. Look at your fingers. Is the index finger (next to the thumb) longer than the ring finger (next to the little finger)? You need to measure the finger from the crease where the finger joins the hand.

Those whose brains are masculine have longer ring fingers than index fingers, while for feminine brains, the two fingers are the same length.

Dr Anne Moir, Neuropsychologist, believes that our life paths may not be due to choices and social conditioning, but are beyond our control. They indicate our brain sex, according to embarrassingillnesses.

Popular lore shows that men are more obsessed with objects such as cars and facts. That is why you find men discussing the speed of cars and browsing TV. "They like spending time in sheds," according to dailymail.

On the other hand, women are more empathetic and sympathetic, more likely to offer support and understanding to those who need it.

However, Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, who is a research scientist on the brain at Cambridge University, explains that everyone is either a 'systemister' or an 'empathiser'.

Systemisters love taking apart and analyzing systems, and most probably tend to become train spotters or computer scientists.

On the other end, empathisers are female brained.

What makes the brain typically male or female is the hormones in the mother's womb that help embryos to develop. Higher levels of testosterone in utero, makes a brain more 'male' oriented. Hence, more testosterone during pregnancy leads to mothers producing babies that show a tendency to develop a male brain.

Hence, a number of studies have shown that the greater the difference between the length of the ring finger and the index finger, the more 'male' your brain is likely to be.

"Everything you see as far as sex differences in the behavior of toddlers is an aftereffect of prenatal testosterone," says Dennis McFadden, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin. His team links finger length ratios to "aggression, left-handedness, heart disease, autism and attention deficit disorder", which are more common among men, especially those with longer than average ring fingers. Such a "masculine" finger pattern also makes girls "predisposed to hyperactivity and autism", according to psychologytoday.

TAGSfingers, brain sex, male or female characteristics, thumbs, index finger, ring finger, crease, Dr Anne Moir, neuropsychologist, empathetic, systemister, empathiser, testosterone, utero
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